Cooper is a tool for Northeastern students to both submit reviews of their co-ops and filter through reviews of co-ops left by other students.
It is intended to be similar to other job review platforms, such as Glassdoor and the no-longer-maintained Co-op’d app. You can think of it as similar to Trace or RateMyProfessor but for Northeastern co-ops.
Why does Cooper matter?
Choosing a co-op is an important career move - it helps you build experience, jump-starts your career, and can lead to job offers upon graduation. Despite this, Northeastern students have little information to base their co-op decision on. Companies often provide only surface-level information about co-ops and other review tools like Glassdoor are not specific to Northeastern co-ops.
In addition, students who have completed a co-op may want to pass on their advice, and creating a co-op review platform is a great way to aggregate that information into one place.
To get started, read the documentation! 🤓