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The API for Cooper is built using tRPC.

All of the API code is in the api package. This package is responsible for handling all the requests that come into the API. The API is split into multiple routers, each responsible for a specific set of endpoints.


Types of Requests

  • list - Fetch all the objects for a particular resource in the database
  • get - Fetch a single object by its ID, name, or other unique identifier
  • create - Create a new object in the database
  • delete - Delete an object from the database

tRPC Operations

tRPC provides a set of operations that can be used to interact with the API. These operations are:

  • Query - Fetch data from the API
  • Mutation - Modify data in the API

tRPC also has other operations like Subscription, but they are not used in Cooper at the moment.


tRPC allows for authentication to be handled at the endpoint level. This means that each endpoint can specify whether it is a public endpoint (publicProcedure) or a protected endpoint (protectedProcedure). If an endpoint is protected, the user must be authenticated to access it.

In general, most of the read operations are public, while the write operations are protected.

New Router

Adding a New Router

To add a new router to the API, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new router in the router/ folder
  2. Export it from the index.ts file
  3. Add the route in the root.ts file

Defining Endpoints

An endpoint has two parts:

  • The input type, which defines the shape of the request. This makes uses of Zod to validate the input.
  • The operation (query or mutation) that the endpoint performs